This paper is from the University of Georgia's "Interactive Performance Laboratory".


The interesting parts of the paper deal with features that distinguish interactive media from linear media and with a taxonomy of relationships between performer and media.


Distinguishing features:

1.  Random access

2.  Arbitrary link between trigger and output, (me: measure and response also)

3.  Media Manipulation (more than one to one relationships).


Relationships types are recognized:


1. Virtual Scenery- backdrop depicting an environment.

2.  Interactive Costumes- use of the body as a canvas for the media.

3.  Alternate Perspective-  enacts actions from another visual perspective

4.  Subjective Perspective-  media depicts thoughts, fantasies, dreams or sensations of characters.

5.  Illustration- (redundant duplication of stage action) literal interpretation.

6.  Commentary- media has a dialectical relationship with stage action, makes commentary on it.

7.  Diegetic Media  (media from the world of narrative).

8.  Affective Media ((media to produce emotional effect).

9.  Synesthesia (similar to affective, but designed to mirror the performance in a different modality.

10. instrumental- interactive technology that creates new kinds of instruments.

11.  virtual puppetry: media creates a performers double.

12.  Dramatic Media:  media that functions dramatically by interacting with the performers as a character in the narrative.